Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Awesome websites you should check out!

Numbero Uno - Postsecret.

This is one of my favourite websites of all time, and you can find it at http://www.postsecret.blogspot.com It's a site where people from all over the world can 'post' their secrets for everyone to see. The deal being, that you send your secret in to them in the form of a postcard, which can be as creative and unique as you like, and it is then posted up on the site. New secrets are posted every Sunday on the site. I found this secret there recently, and thought it was a good example of the creativity that goes into some of these postcards. Anyway, telling your secret to the world (albeit anonymously) is a great way of getting something off your chest and just letting go of it. Perhaps you should give it a try? I can't recommend this website enough, go check it out!

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