Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Twas the night before surgery

You know, when I was little - about two years old, I used to be able to recite 'The night before Christmas' from beginning to end. Anyway, that got me thinking of an appropriate title for this entry, and in a way, I feel a bit like its the night before Christmas, except that there is more nervousness and less excitement! however, I am looking forward to having my 'functional endoscopic sinus surgery and septoplasty out the the way. I guess what I'm really looking forward to is feeling better, and being able to breathe through my nose again, at long last. I've never had an operation before, so that part of it is scary - basically the fear of the unknown. And also because I've always found it incredibly difficult to rely on others. I'm a bit of a control freak in that I like to get everything done myself and find it hard to sit back and let other people take over. It was difficult leaving my class today, everyone's telling me not to rush back, but a part of me wants to go back as soon as possible and hates the thought of leaving everyone there in the lurch. I'm gonna miss the kids too, they always seem to brighten up my day (when they're behaving themselves, anyway! lol!). So anyway, once I've had my operation, I'll post a picture up here of my post-op face (for your viewing pleasure, dear reader). Until then.........

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