Wednesday, February 7, 2007

Ah, its almost the end of the week!

I just thought I'd introduce you to some of my workmates, at Kapi Mana School. Those poor things, having to work with me, day in and day out!

Here is a picture of Raewyn, looking summery as usual. She's been working with me now for over a year, and she's a great person to have around - somehow managing to keep her head in the middle of a crisis!

Here is Tracy, who has also been working with me for over a year now. She's also an excellent person to have around - and we always have a good laugh together about some of the crazy stuff that happens in our class each day! For instance, today, one of the students from the class next to us went mad as he wasn't allowed any more grated cheese on his pasta at lunch time. So we heard him screaming and storming down the corridor, and into the kitchen which is next to our classroom. Apparently, he was searching the whole kitchen for grated cheese - pulling cupboard doors open and giving the fridge a good going over - not to mention scaring the cook half to death! (she told me later she found herself backed into the corner in a kind of boxing pose!). Anyway, they eventually managed to drag him out of there, thank goodness! yeah, just one of the day to day things that happens in my job! I'm so lucky I've got awesome staff who work with me, who can also laugh about it with me, at the end of the day. It helps keep you sane, believe me!

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