Sunday, February 25, 2007

My latest project!

My latest project is going to involve making a book for my Grandad - one that will show pictures of all his family - from the 1920's in Buckie, Scotland, to present. Now, if you haven't checked this site out I suggest you check it out now: - a site where you can design and make your own 'coffee table' type books from scratch. I've already made one - for my Mum's birthday, and she was so overwhelmed by it, and so is everyone else who has seen it. It's a fantastic idea for a lovely gift for someone who has everything..... I mean, how many people can say that they've had a book published for them? not many! anyway, so my project over the next few days involves scanning lots of family photos, like this one above. I find old photos fascinating. For instance, this one, of my Grandad (front left) and his siblings, was taken in the late 1920's in a fishing village called 'Buckie', in Scotland. It's hard to believe that this photo is over 80 years old, and crazy to think of all the changes that must have taken place during that time......

So yes, a good project to keep me busy while I'm off work recovering from the surgery! oh, and I'm always keen for visitors, just in case you're wondering. As long as you bring Chocolate. Kidding!

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