Tuesday, April 29, 2008


Just a quiet day at home today. Time to reflect upon life, and cross out things from the 'to do' list. It has been raining off and on all day long, and I decided I would step outside and try to capture it digitally - here is one of my attempts. Of course, it's a shallow representation of what was truly a fantastic rain storm, but there you go. I've always enjoyed listening to the sound of the rain - in fact, I believe that there is nothing better to listen to at night. It always tends to send me to sleep, when nothing else will. There is just something so soothing about the sound of the rain on the roof.
So yes, just doing the regular house-wife stuff today. I've just put some ingredients in the bread maker for Pizza dough...... mmm...... Pizza with Salami and Olives and cream cheese. Life is good. The bread maker is great as it kneads the dough for around 25 minutes, which means that you get an amazing pizza base which is just as it should be - nice and stretchy and with a lovely texture. I think we'll have to invest in one of those once Ali leaves and takes it with her.

We had some good news today too, from friends Peter and Jo. Peter went in for his operation, only to find out he didn't need to have it at all! Such fantastic news. I think this may be cause for celebration :D I'm so happy for both of them!

1 comment:

James said...

Hey the top picture is just beautiful!

and Peter's news is great...
(dunno if he really wants his life discused
in blogspot comments, but oh well)

yeah, we should celebreate somehow
but I think we're busy from now until
next week. or not.