Saturday, January 5, 2008

An Update for James and Jo.

I've finally figured it out! - how to get a semi-decent score on that silly scrabulous application on Facebook. Actually, it wasn't so much figuring it out, as following a link someone sent me to an article about 'scrabble cheating' in which there were listed lots and lots of 'cheat' websites. Excellent. Watch out everyone! haha. You see, I don't consider it cheating when everyone else is doing it too (excellent rationalisation, Fi) I mean, I was wondering how some people were coming up with the words they were using (for example: Ageist, tonier, etc etc). But now I know!

Since we're on the topic of Scrabulous..... I'm becoming increasingly annoyed that it's become a bit of a 'pick up spot' for desperate men on the internet. Often I've begun a game with someone, or been challenged to a game only for it to degenerate into yucky sex chat type stuff. I mean, come on! you know the stuff - the type of thing you find in chatrooms at 3am. I just can't be bothered, and don't even find it mildly amusing anymore. If people want that kind of thing they should go elsewhere for it. Hmph.

(I'm not a prude, by the way, I just find that type of behaviour invasive).

In other news, Tim and I attended a fantastic lunch today at Jo and Peter's house. Yummy food, excellent coffee, wonderful company...... makes me realise I need to get out more :D

By the way, James and Jo, in case you hadn't noticed, this post is dedicated to you guys - probably the only people that read this blog!

And James, I expect to see your blog by the end of the year :D

It makes me wonder who we really write blogs for? I mean, who am I writing this blog for? what compells me to keep at it? not that I've really been 'keeping at it' - unless you class 'keeping at it' as being one post every month or so. I guess I write this blog mainly for myself - its a substitute for diary or journal writing (touch typing is so much faster). I have always kept journals - from when I was about nine years old. Looking back at them they are mainly depressing things covering events that i don't much like to think about anymore. Life has changed. But they are a good way of reminding me how much I have changed and grown and how much better life is now than it was. Life is good now.


the_jok said...

It should be noted that although the lunch was at Peter and Jo's they had very little to do with it. Many thanks to James and Katherine and Fi and Tim for providing a wonderful lunch, we enjoyed it greatly too.

Of course Fi there is a far easier way to cheat at Scrabble, and that is to use a dictionary! :) You could of course try which does good while you exercise your vocabulary too.

Elyzia said...

Cheers, Jo, I might just try that.

Cheating at scrabble is a little sad, but so many people cheat nowdays, that it's the only way to stay in the game.