Friday, June 22, 2007

Go home grown food!

Yay! one of our chickens has finally laid an egg for us! I was sure we wouldn't get anything until the spring, given they're moulting at the moment, so finding the egg today was a pleasant surprise.

Along the lines of home grown food, I would like to add that I've planted Carrots, Leeks, and Broccoli in the garden. Of course, given I planted them right at the end of Autumn, I don't know how well they'll grow...... however, a few seedlings have popped up, so I live in hope.

I really enjoy being able to eat home-grown food. Not the crap you get from fast food stores..... Tomorrow night my parents and Grandad are coming to stay, and we're going to cook up a big tasty winter solstice meal! I can hardly wait, and I just love cooking nice food and sharing it with my family. Tim's parents will be coming down from the Wairarapa too, so it'll be great to have a big catch up.

Oh, and before I go, I will leave you with this to think about (found it on an Adbusters website):

1 comment:

the_jok said...

An egg at last!! Horray, maybe the others will work it out now as well.