Monday, February 4, 2008

The 94th Post

What a milestone!

Today is technically my last day of freedom, before Thursday heralds a return to the routine and monotony of work.

Ok, so it isn't all that bad. Surely you can get used to everything after a while, right? well I have certainly got used to being on holiday! it must be over six weeks now - a long time - and time enough to get settled into that routine of planning your day based on what you want to do.

I haven't done much today, but it's one of those days which isn't exactly inspiring. A little cold, grey, overcast. Kind of nothing weather, really. Just went for a walk with Tim which was nice, we had a competition to see how long I could go without talking, and I lasted around three minutes.

So in other news, Andy, who is staying with us at the moment, has brought a drum kit! so it's been fantastic listening to him play, as he is pretty damn talented. So if any of you guys need a drum teacher...... get in touch!

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