Thursday, October 9, 2008

An update

So it's been about two months since I last posted an entry in this blog. Crazy how time flies!

Anyway, I'm just nearing the end of my school holidays. *sigh* the dream is almost over. It's been a good break away though. Since going on holiday, I've managed to seriously tackle the garden, not to mention visit the rellies in Christchurch. I had to go into work today, which was a bit of a shock to the system, but I only had to stay for a few hours (thank god!). I guess I'm just slowly easing myself back into it. I came down with a cold yesterday, too, so I'm feeling a little under the weather.

Another good thing is that I've finally sorted out my 'faith' dilemma, and I can now say that I am a proud atheist. So part of that for me will be living more in the here and now, and enjoying life for what it is - because all we have is our time here.

I think a big problem I had with other religions was the concept of punishment for wrong-doing - the idea of burning in hell for all eternity is one I find hard to stomach. Personally, I have never believed that such a place could exist - and I consider it a bit of a 'scare tactic'.

I'm happy to be living in the here and now, and as for the concept of eternal life, I don't think the universe owes it to me. All we have is this life, and that is enough for me.

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