Saturday, November 24, 2007

Macro Photography

This is my latest obsession..... Macro Photography.

Thursday, November 8, 2007

My god, I think there was only one post last October! one! sorry fans, but I have been slack as of late. Still, I haven't entirely given up the idea of a blog, and so let's catch up over what's been happening over the last month, shall we?

One thing I must say is how much I'm enjoying spring so far. I'm beginning to think that it might be my favourite season of the year. I'm completely enthralled by nature, and the changes that are taking place around me - the little things that I used to take for granted. For instance, I'm learning to appreciate the simple beauty of the trees bearing spring blossoms, the multitude of colours that appears to have popped up overnight, out of nowhere. I'm really enjoying watching our roses slowly bud, and then waiting in anticipation for them to open and reveal the beautiful colours and fragrances.

I'm also continuing to understand the importance of surrounding yourself with people who you have a reciprocal relationship of trust and appreciation of the other with - and of severing ties with people who may not be such a positive influence. Basically, I'm just trying my hardest to be happy - something which proves easier and easier as I get older.

Now I must admit, most of the rabbling on and on that you're reading stems from the fact that Tim is out tonight, at a conference dinner so I'm all alone at home with no one to talk to but myself. And when you think about it, what is a blog (or a diary for that matter) but a means of sorting out your thoughts through the written word? and poor old Tim has just missed out on a dinner from our local delicious burger takeaway, burger wisconsin! (although I doubt he minded missing out on the chick flick that I watched while nibbling on my burger - for those of you that are interested, it was 'becoming Jane'.)